Church and LGBTIQ – James Parker
This is an excerpt from a talk by James Parker to the HopeNet SA Executive at their monthly meeting on Thursday, 2 July 2020.
The Neutering of Death
The Coronavirus/Covid-19 plague is so virulent in effect because of the fear of death, that core human fear. Enter the True Man who brings the Gospel to the earth and within reach of the fearful humanity all at sea on the ship of death. The Gospel is the Lord’s passion to rid the fear of […]
Lies, the Source of Confusion and Depression
How the chief weapon of the enemy against believers is neutralised and destroyed. Not all symptoms of confusion, depression or frustration comes from within ourselves such as our past experiences, genetic make-up, personal failures and regrets or from our physical environment. For example, a Christian who has been believing for some years quite suddenly finds […]
Opportunity to draw close to our Lord
COVID-19 and Persecution Because the effect of Covid 19 on discriminated Christians is so severe I have asked Barnabas Fund to include a letter describing their plight and how we may assist.One of the chief ways we draw near to our Lord is to draw near to His suffering body (Matthew 26: the sheep blessed […]
Shining the light. Rejection transformed. Preaching tips.
Around our churches This Mount Pleasant church, one of the smallest in our family of churches, is determined to shine the light during the virus restrictions. So they will keep their church lights on, shining through the coloured glass depictions of the Gospel from their lovely chapel. The Gospel and Society During the war years […]
Children and Faith
A reminder from a day at Driver River church “Increasing secularism and moral relativism produce a culture that is at times openly hostile to our faith. We face a faster pace of life, pressure at work, the glorification of individualism, and a diminishing focus upon traditional family and other social structures.”
Fire and Devastation
Whatever we think about climate change, the promise remains certain – Genesis 8.22 The season for planting is coming and a new harvest too.
The full Advent picture
Let’s get into the full Advent picture and preach up the Great Expectation of believers; The Return. The first creed perhaps the original of all creeds is just one word–Maranatha!, meaning ‘Come Lord Jesus!’
Adelaide, Be Different and ‘Vanning at Crows Nest (Qld)
Love Them Both: Adelaide, be different I’ve just returned from Temple College hearing Chris speak about her abortion 34 years ago, the burden of shame and guilt and the amazing release of meeting the Lord of mercy and grace.