Local House Of Prayer


Local Houses of Prayer Training Day. Lochiel Sat  Feb 20th See Download below  for the days details or contact Dick Nicholls 0429 062 274 dicklochiel@gmail.com
Led by Pastor Cate and Greg Lewis inspired by Ffald-Y-Brenin, of Wales 
Local Houses of Prayer are springing up all over Australia as God’s people practise the Ministry of Blessing. 
(HNSA is pleased to promote this event on behalf of our affiliated churches initiatives)

Lochiel Local Houses of Prayer details

Walk for Life

Walk For Life, 6 February 2021

Thousands (and many of you were there) at last Saturday’s Walk for Life rally engaged in a dignified and utterly clear presentation of the necessity to vote out the abortion to full-term Termination of Pregnancy Bill.

We were treated to the sound of a beating heart of a baby in a young mother who bared her bulge to a stethoscope and sensitive mike. This Bill would permit the killing of that perfectly healthy child for psychosocial reasons.

Already this is happening to hundreds of babies in Australia (only a very small proportion of abortions, say the Bill’s promoters).

It is clear what ministers and witnesses and teachers need focus. Young mums in distress over a pregnancy need support. Genesis can and deserves our support for their work.

Our local churches alert to this in their communities and the wonderful option of adoption so beautifully testified to by the Lougheads last Saturday becomes the go to option.

If you couldn’t make the Walk here is a clip. 

And here is a petition for your elected member.


Please urge PM Scott Morrison to  influence  foreign policy for the sake of Nigerian Christians, who are afraid of possible genocide against them. Since 2015, extremist violence has killed at least 8,400 Christians. “We are tired and we do not want to bother others about our tragedies. We seem always to be reporting deaths and attacks, and people are weary of our reports”.

Info and petition here


We are entering another stage of history in which the light of the Gospel will shine ever brightly against a blackening night of truth-denial, rejection of revealed law ,usurping of great grace by secular sentiment and hate of the Bible.

The day upon us demands longing ears for the whispers of the Holy Spirit, earnest searching and holding to the Scriptures, and above all intimacy with the Risen Christ. Ministers of the Word and all who will give testimony are in the race of righteousness.

Strengthen our churches, love one another seriously, listen to God before the media, dismiss human opinions and hold to the glorious Truth

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